Why it is important to recycle ?

Recycling is crucial for the health of our planet and our future generations. It is easy to recycle – and it all begins at home. By changing the way we think and act about recycling, we can significantly improve the earth’s health, keep the environment clean, save energy, and reduce the waste we produce.

Recycle today!

Remember – it matters.

Why Recycling PLASTIC ?
  • 1 Ton of recycled plastic saves 16.3 barrels of oil

  • 1 Ton of recycled plastic requires 88% less energy to make new plastic products

  • It takes 500 years to a plastic container to decompose

  • Over 10 million T of plastic are dumped into oceans each year

  • 1 Ton of recycled plastic saves 5,774 kWh of energy. That’s enough energy to charge a Tesla battery more than 100 times

  • Recycling one ton of plastic bottles saves the equivalent energy usage of a two person household for one year



Why Recycling GLASS ?
  • Glass can be recycled 100% without loosing quality or purity

  • Modern glass bottles can take over 4000 up to a million years to decompose.

  • Recycling glass we can reduce air pollution by 20% and 50% of water pollution

  • More than 28 billion glass bottles and jars go to landfills every year. That's enough to fill two Empire State Buildings every three weeks

  • Recycling one glass bottle saves enough energy to light a 100-watt lightbulb for four hours


Why Recycling ALUMINUM ?
  • Aluminum can be recycled almost forever without any loss of quality

  • Aluminum can be recycled using only 5% of the energy used to make the product from new materials

  • The average person has the opportunity to recycle between 10,000 and 25,000 cans in their life

  • There are chances that a recycled can to return in stores as a new can in just 90 days after collection


Why Recycling PAPER / CARDBOARD ?
  • 1 Ton of recycled paper saves 17 trees

  • 1 Ton of recycled paper saves 380 gallons of oil

  • 1 Ton of recycled cardboard saves 46 gallons of oil

  • 1 Ton of recycled paper saves 4000 kW of energy

  • 1 Ton of recycled paper saves 7000 gallons of water

  • It takes only 7% of the energy needed to produce cardboard from recycled cardboard comparing to new materials.

  • Recycling a stack of newspaper just 3 feet high saves one tree